Work on the training pitch progressing well

Presteigne St Andrews FC
The new training ground, with the newly-reseeded area in the foreground

Anyone who was down at Llanandras Park over the weekend for either the club dinner or the Otway Cup final and Under 18’s festival can’t have failed to notice the work going on behind the clubhouse.

Chris Shepherd has been in with his diggers to level the area behind the clubhouse so it can be transformed into a useful training area.

An area of ground had to be levelled and grass seed sown, while there has been a lot of work to erect a number of telegraph poles around the playing area so it can be floodlit during the winter training sessions.

Karl Chapman has been in to do the technical wiring bits, but there have been a host of people working on the project, including our faithful grounds staff of Tracy Hammond and Mike Preece.

Trevor Gummer and Tom ‘Pie’ Edwards have been seen on the business ends of shovels and spades and there have been others involved in the project.

It is all part of trying to make sure we can get around the perennial problem of a lack of training facilities and, while it will be some time yet before the facility will be in full use, it is hoped that players and managers alike will recognise the commitment the club is making to improve in this area.

There is still more work to be done – again, mainly on the end of a shovel, but, as you will see in the picture above, things are moving on apace.

Many thanks to all those who have been working on the project so far – if I haven’t named you in person, I apologise, but your efforts are truly appreciated by everyone connected with the club.