Committee meeting on Wednesday, 7 February

Presteigne St Andrews FC

Presteigne St Andrews FCPresteigne St Andrews FC’s committee members are advised there will be a meeting on Wednesday, 7 February.

This will be held at the clubhouse at Llanandras Park and will be due to get underway at 7.30pm.

I know we always say there are a number of important issues up for discussion – and, generally, there are – but for this coming meeting this is particularly true.

Club representatives are due to attend a meeting in Newtown on Tuesday at which the future Welsh pyramid structure will be the main topic of discussion.

As you might have seen in the local press, there are huge potential implications for Central Wales clubs as the FAW’s proposals for the future of the game appear to some to be leaving those in our region feeling short-changed.

So, all will become clear – or more clear – at the meeting on Wednesday evening.

Could all committee members please make every effort to attend the meeting – if you can’t make it, then please let a fellow committee member know so your apologies can be recorded in the Minutes.