August 100 Club winners

money-sterling-notesPresteigne St Andrews Football Club held their August 100 Club draw on Friday 27 August in what was the final draw of the year.

Subscriptions for the 2010-11 season are now due and those current members should receive a renewal form in the near future – many thanks to everyone who has supported the club in this way in the past 12 months.

The cost of renewal remains at £25.00 and it is hoped that current members will continue to support the club as the 100 Club is a key fundraiser each year.

The winners in the August draw were as follows:

£100.00                       –                 174                  Bill and Pat Hughes
£ 50.00                        –                   73                  Phil and Deb Jones
£ 40.00                        –                 100                  John Weiland
£ 30.00                        –                 144                  Jan Graham
£ 25.00                        –                 149                  Mike Symonds

Congratulations to all of our winners in the past year – in addition to those current members who would like to renew their subscriptions, anyone who would like to become a member of the 100 Club for the coming year should contact a committee member, or email us at the website and we will get in touch with you.