Site redesign on the way

Presteigne St Andrews FC
A revamp of the website is on the way

In case you were wondering why there have been a few changes to the website in recent days this is down to a number of reasons most of which are too dull to go into here.

But our ‘website guru’ and I have agreed that we might as well take the chance to do a redesign of the basic site and so for the next week or so, things might look a bit different. 

For example, the sidebar that is normally on the right of the page has temporarily disappeared as the recent upgrade kept producing ‘Random Stories’ that we have put up in the past that bore little relation to the current club – hence I thought it was better do without it for the time being.

I have sent the ‘website guru’ some more recent photos of events at Llanandras Park and so we can expect a new header for the page among other things.

While all this is going on, the site will still be perfectly usable, although I am guessing there could be a short break in service when the actual upgrade takes place.

Watch this space – or rather the ones on the right and above – and there should be changes over the coming days and weeks.