Six-a-Side competition

Presteigne St Andrews FC
Celebrating their six-a-side success
Presteigne St Andrews FC
Celebrating their six-a-side success

Presteigne St Andrews FC led its inaugural Six-a-Side competition at Llanandras Park on Monday, 26 August.

While the organisers as it ted they would have liked more teams to take part in the competition, they were very grateful to the four squads that did turn out at the end of what had been a very busy weekend.

Perhaps this was the main factor in the low number of teams but they always say that ‘from little acorns mighty oaks grow’, so here’s hoping the boys can build on this for next year

For the record, the winners of the competition were Staunton FC who defeated Sham Bells FC in the final.

Well done to those who did turn out to take part – some of whom freely admitted they were regretting their healthy support of the beer element of the Beer Festival the previous day.