Committee Meeting this week

Presteigne St Andrews FC

Presteigne St Andrews FCPresteigne St Andrews FC’s chairman Alan Randell has confirmed there is to be a committee meeting on Wednesday, 4 June.

This will take place at the clubhouse at Llanandras Park when things are due to get underway at 7.15pm.

There are a number of important issues to discuss, including the outline details for the Annual General Meeting which is due to take place on Tuesday, 10 June.

There are also key issues to consider regarding the football structure for next season, so it’s important we have as good a turnout as possible for this meeting.

Also, it’s important there is a good turnout as the chairman is looking for willing volunteers to help move the bench seating back into its rightful place after the dinner last Saturday evening.

So, 7.15pm on Wednesday night, please – especially the younger, fitter members of the committee who might well be up for a bit of bench shifting.