Committee meeting on Thursday evening

Presteigne St Andrews FC
Presteigne St Andrews FC

Christmas is rapidly approaching and, in the spirit of the festive season, the Chairman has decided it’s important the committee should get together once before the big day itself.

So, a decree was sent out by Weedo, that all committee members should return to their home town – or, in this case, The Farmers Inn – on Thursday, 19 December at 7.30pm.

I will gloss over the issue of ‘three wise men’ but all committee members are urged to attend the meeting if possible.

The agenda will include the Christmas Jumper Day and the Christmas Draw.

If you can’t make it then please can you let a fellow committee member know so your apologies can be recorded in the book.

So, 7.30pm on Thursday, 19 December at The Farmers Inn – I know what you are all thinking: ‘Ho, ho, ho’…..