100 Club winners for December

Presteigne St Andrews FCPresteigne St Andrews FC held the monthly 100 Club draw in the clubhouse after the home match against Knighton Town on Saturday, 31 December.

As the normal arrangement is that the landlord or landlady of the host pub makes the draw, so club steward Will Edwards did the honours as he pulled the winning numbers from the bag.

The main prize winner was standing only a matter of feet away from him when the draw was made – well done to Phil ‘Flab’ Jones who was our top prize winner, trousering the £100.00 on offer for December.

Once again, our thanks to everyone who supports the Football Club by buying their 100 Club ticket – it is much appreciated as the draw plays a large part in funding football in the town.

The full list of December prize winners is as follows:

£100.00          –      249     –    Phil ‘Flab’ Jones
£ 50.00           –      166     –    Mary Cuming
£ 40.00           –      258     –    Della Scotford
£ 30.00           –      201     –    Ann Davies
£ 25.00           –      252     –    Robin Traylor