Race Night Presentation

Presteigne St Andrews FC (Photo: Alan Randell)
Dougie Preece presents the cheque to Playgroup leader Jackie Jackson, watched by Claire Traylor and Kim Greenham

Presteigne St Andrews FC recently held a highly successful race night at the clubhouse – an event that was staged in conjunction with Presteigne Little People’s Playgroup.

As far as the Football Club was concerned, committee member Dougie Preece was the driving force behind the event as he did the vast majority of the spadework necessary to ensure the night went as well as it did.

The proof of that success came in the shape of cheques for £570.00 that were received by the Football Club and (left) by the Little People’s Playgroup.

Presteigne St Andrews would like to thank all of those who contributed to the success of the evening – either by buying horses, sponsoring races or providing food for the refreshments.

The race night is a pretty well established ‘fixture’ on the Football Club calendar now – given its success, it is not difficult to see why.

Our thanks in particular to those at the Little People’s Playgroup for the work they put into the event – next up at the Football Club it will be the Freddie Mercury tribute night on Saturday evening.

If you don’t have a ticket for this event, then I am afraid you are going to be very unlucky as it is a sell out – well done to those involved in the promotion of the event and sale of the tickets – here’s hoping he really does ‘rock you’ on Saturday.